Zerø Wind Jamie Wong

Declarative Programming and Autosubscribe

While I was watching the Meteor screencast (if you haven’t already seen it, go watch it), I paused around 1:35. They had just said “There’s no callbacks, no bindings, and no controllers. It just works.” after showing off the code something like the following:

Template.color_list.colors = function() {
  return Colors.find({}, {sort: {likes: -1, name: 1}});

along with a handlebars template kind of like this:

<template name="color_list">
  {{#each colors}}
        {{ name }}

From an application developer’s perspective, I thought “Wow. That is really amazing”. This is a perfect example of how incredible working with declarative programming can be. Meteor itself focuses on reactive programming, but it facilitates declarative style in its live templates.

From working on my own libraries and frameworks, I thought “Wow. How the hell did they get that to work?” More on this later.

Declarative Programming (The What)

Whenever you’re trying to make anything, you want to spend your time figuring out what you want in your application, not how to get it there. Declarative programming tries to shift the focus from control flow to logic and state.

A prime example of this is the divide between the creation and updating of views in imperative style. For example, consider a simple view that wraps an h1 that reflects some data stored in a model.

Ultimately the goal here is to have an h1 that says “Salutations, NAME”, where NAME is always synchronized with the model.

Imperative Creation and Update

If you were to write it in this style, you would probably do it with jQuery or some similar DOM manipulation library, so that’s what we’ll use here.

var HelloView = function() {
  this.h1 = $('<h1/>');

  var self = this;
  model.bind('update', function() {

HelloView.prototype.update = function() {
  this.h1.text("Salutations, " + Model.get('name') + "!");

Mentally, I had to translate the original task into “create an element, listen for any updates to the model, then update the view to match the model”. This isn’t so bad, and is definitely better than the model knowing about the view, but there’s room for improvement.

Namely, it’s very apparent that the creation of the elements and the synchronization of the data exist as two distinct tasks, when they really don’t need to.

Declarative Creation and Update

Here’s the same example written in Meteor style declarative programming.

The template code:

<template name="hello_view">
  <h1>Salutations, {{ name }}!</h1>

And the JavaScript:

Template.hello_view.name = function() {
  return Model.get('name');

In this style, we aren’t manually wiring up synchronization at all. We aren’t thinking in a “when this, then that” kind of mindset. We just say “this is how it always should be”. As a side effect, the mental separation between create and update becomes unnecessary. You don’t need to consider what happens when the model changes - the view just always reflects the model.

While the amount of code isn’t significantly different between these two examples, I believe that as applications become more complex, the savings in the declarative style will increase, and the logic will be easier to follow.

Autosubscribe (The How)

I’ve done a bunch of JS development by now, and this is one of the first things I’ve tripped over in a long time thinking “How is this possible?”. I’m not talking about how the task was algorithmically complicated, I’m talking about how it looked like there was something essential missing from the code.

In particular, I couldn’t understand how the views knew when to update, since there was no event binding anywhere.

The solution comes from Meteor’s concepts of “autosubscribe”.

The basic idea is to establish a global context that things are currently running in and check this whenever any mutable data is accessed. If the accessor notices that a global context is active, it will subscribe that context to be re-run when that data changes.

A basic implementation would look something like this:

var Magic = {
  context: null
  autosubscribe: function(cb) {
    Magic.context = cb;

var Model = function() {
  this.props = {};

Model.prototype.get = function(prop) {
  if (Magic.context != null) {
    // An autosubscribe context is active, so subscribe it to future
    // changes to the property
    this.bind('change:' + prop, Magic.context);
  return this.props[prop];

Model.prototype.set = function(prop, val) {
  this.props[prop] = val;
  this.trigger('change: ' + prop);

// Implementations of bind and trigger omitted, but they would act exactly 
// like Backbone's

Then it could be used like this - no manual event binding!

var person = new Model();
person.set('name', 'Odeen');

Magic.autosubscribe(function() {
  $('h1').text('Salutations, ' + person.get('name'));

person.set('name', 'Estwald');

While Meteor did not invent the concept of live templates, this method of dodging event binding seems the most powerful. While the idea of client-side access to the database seems a little scary, and it might end up hairier than normal client-server architecture if you want security, there are some ideas from Meteor that I think are a definite step in the right direction.

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Zerø Wind Jamie Wong