Jamie Wong

github.com/jlfwong www.jamie-wong.com jamie.lf.wong@gmail.com

Hi! I want to pursue challenges that require a more mathematical or scientific background than my past full-stack web development endeavours might suggest. I'd like reading papers or textbooks to be a part of my job, and for that reading to be necessary to do my job well. I'm an advocate of extensive automated testing (untested code is unmaintainable code) and code review (unreviewed code is incomprehensible code). I've started and contributed to popular open source projects here and there, and written about my work on both company engineering blogs and my own personal blog.

Select Projects and Blog Posts in Graphics

Real-time Fluid Simulation, August 2016

Ray Marching and Signed Distance Functions, July 2016

Work Experience

Software Developer in Infrastructure at Khan Academy, June 2014 - March 2016

Software Developer Intern and Backpacker at Khan Academy, September - December 2013 (Remote)

Security Engineer Intern at Square, January - April 2013

Software Developer Intern at Khan Academy, May - August 2012 (Remote)

Frontend Developer Intern at Facebook, September - December 2011

Sample of Open Source Contributions

Khan/aphrodite (co-author)

jlfwong/chrome2calltree (author)

mozilla/source-map (contributor)

Other Technical Experience

jamie-wong.com - Personal Technical Blog

Competitive Algorithmic Programmer

Stack Overflow Contributor

stackoverflow.com (username: Jamie Wong), March 29, 2010 - Present



Bachelor of Software Engineering, Co-operative Program, Dean's Honours List

Interesting Coursework

Other Interests

Badminton, house dance, popping